cotton, knitting, Living History, Spinning, Uncategorized

A Spiritual Encounter with Old Textiles

An inconceivably long time ago, the Most Infinitely Powerful Being created the world and turned it over to us. We were charged to fill the earth and have dominion over everything in it. The fish of the sea, birds of the heavens, plants yielding their seed, trees with their fruits, and all the beasts on… Continue reading A Spiritual Encounter with Old Textiles


There Was This One Time at Vavstuga: Home Again

What an adventure!! 8-Weeks away from home, immersed in a whole new world. Yes, I had never even been to Massachusetts let alone having slept in a cabin but found myself loading up the old Prius and driving 800 miles all with the promise of leveling up on my weaving skills. I received a scholarship,… Continue reading There Was This One Time at Vavstuga: Home Again

cotton, knitting, Spinning, Uncategorized, Weaving

A Happy Little Detour: From Bobbins to Yarn Balls

I was just going to try something. That's how it starts. You have an idea and decide to see if it'll work then BOOM you're on and unexpected journey. I saw someone spinning yarn with a spindle made from a spool and thought hmm, that might be a great way to spin cotton. Yes, of… Continue reading A Happy Little Detour: From Bobbins to Yarn Balls